Crazy Train is a blog dedicated to bringing you with interesting news, stories and experiences on board our beloved train service

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Dawning Comprehension.

OK. So I have realised that this blog has shifted its intentions slightly. It used to be an amusing take on observations of the train and its passengers. It seems to have evolved into something entirely different. It appears to be a list of complaints I have recently had about the train. And if this isnt amusing you. Im sorry. Ill try harder... Does anyone even read this?

Im Hungry.

Its cold, Its late, Im lazy and didnt pack myself any lunch so I havent eaten since breakfast and im starving! and your siting accross from me with a bag full of indian food. I LOVE INDIAN FOOD... but I hate you.

Dress ups anyone?

When I saw he was wearing a cape I was intruiged, when I saw the size of the globe dangling from his necklace I was perplexed, When i took note of his age however, I was confused. I did not know humans lived to be as old as this man. So I came to the conclusion, he was definatly a galapagos tortoise. Any questions can be
directed to someone else.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Terminal to sydney.

Everyone was wide eyed and panic stricken as I stepped over what I thought would be a funny addition to our blog. Turns out the kid wasnt napping in the aisle of the train. He was passed out or something. concerned onlookers called for ambulances as I thumbed through my copy of MX. Slightly begrudgingly as the train hadnt left the platform for 10 minutes. That was untill the man in the sky poked the cattle into a stampede announcing the train would not be leaving for a while and passengers should catch the train on the next platform. Begining a bumrush music festival goers would be proud to be a part of. Seriously dude get up ive got places to be. stop being a baby.

An Epping Good Holiday

I guess if you've never been to the wonderful land that is Australia you're not going to have the best idea of where to go. From this conundrum was born the profession of travel agent, but that's for another story.

There's something unsettling about people holidaying where you work/study. We get to epping station (our third train on the endless trip to uni) and for anyone who has ever been there you would know of its bleak, dull design that in no way warrants a photograph. A group of, lets call them out-of-towners, taking happy snaps in the epping tunnel?? I smell espionage.